Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What Does the Color of Your Urine Indicates?

Every time that we have to go to the bathroom, we are releasing that liquid coming from our bladder--urine--well, that's very obvious, right? Yes, it is very obvious. But how many of us really look back in the Porcelain Bowl to examine the color of our urine? Probably not too many of us--in fact, most of us do not even give it a second thought. Well, it is time to take your urine more serious.

Urine comes in different color variations. The colors can be anywhere from a deep amber or a copper color to a very light yellow color, with different hues of yellow in between.

Did you know that your urine color can tell a story about your body? Of course, it can. The following are the urine colors that tell the state in which direction your body is headed:

If blood is present in your urine, then this is an indication that there a serious condition going on with your body; sometimes the blood is hidden and you cannot see with your naked eye. In addition, your urine can be tested for diabetes, as in the blood sugar levels. 

The bottom line is that your urine can tell a story about your body as a whole. But with the help of urinalysis; this is what you should be getting on a regular basis during a routine physical examination from your physician. Learn more about the color of your urine and get it tested!

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